The museum also holds a large archive with many of the boxes filled with papers, letters and photographs belonging to Alice & William. Along with these records of their lives we have some of their personal belongings, including a few of the lovely gifts Will gave to Alice; a colorful Venetian brocade table cover, beaded purses and belts... oh, and some very sweet letters!
Many of these objects are tucked away in what we call "The Miner Room" or "The Memento Room." I have brought some of my favorites together, converted the dining room table to a display space, covered it with the lovely Venetian brocade, and placed their intimate objects around the table for you to experience. In the center of the display I have placed a very handsome pair of silver-resist, green glass scent bottles with stoppers which were given to William Miner by Diamond Jim Brady, a friend and business associate.

to Alice and William as a wedding gift in 1895
The new displays will only be on exhibit for a month, so come experience them for yourself. The Alice is open by appointment only for the month of April. On May 1 we will resume our regular hours: Tuesday - Saturday by guided tour, with tours starting at 10:00 am, noon, and 2:00 pm. For reservations please call 846-7336, or email me at