On Thursday, April 2, at 7:00 pm Deborah Evetts will illustrate the tradition of manuscript repair through examples such as the Beatus Apocalypse and other manuscripts from her many years of conservation work. Ms. Evetts will then discuss the stages in the restoration of the Museum’s Breviary, the reasons behind each step, and how they effect the final result, accompanied by many photographs. A Manuscript Reborn: Restoration of the Lorraine Breviary will take you inside the world of book conservation, a journey through time. The ancient and exciting techniques employed to bind manuscripts – herringbone stitch and linked sewing, metal work, leather work, wood work and rare textiles – will transport you into an age where technical gadgets were not only unknown, they could not even be imagined... And where craftsmen making everything with their own hands made beautiful works of art.
Deborah Evetts: An internationally recognized book conservator she advises librarians and collectors on topics ranging from the best restoration/preservation methods, housing and climate control, and is entrusted by major libraries, museums and private clients with the restoration of their priceless books. Trained as a designer bookbinder by several of the greatest exponents of the classical English School of bookbinding she exhibits worldwide and her work is represented in numerous collections both institutional and private. Deborah is a lecturer on book conservation, fine binding, decorated papers, etc., to professional organizations, book clubs, publishers and educational institutions. As Drue Heinz Book Conservator at the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, she cared for a magnificent and varied collection of Coptic manuscripts and bindings, medieval illuminated manuscripts, early printed books, music manuscripts, autograph manuscripts and documents and children's books. She combined this work with fine binding, designing, teaching, lecturing and consulting for major institutions and prominent private collectors. The latter included binding copies of President Kennedy's notebook for Jackie Kennedy to give to her children, and the rebinding of the 9th century De re culinaria manuscript of Marcus Apicius for the New York Academy of Medicine.
Tickets are $8 and seating is limited, for reservations please call 518-846-7336, or email me at director@minermuseum.org!

I wish I could be there for this wonderful presentation but I have to work that night.